We are Fire Risk Assessors


Do not end up being Grenfell Tower II .

Since 2020 Building Control now take a serious interest in the structure of your Building , it no longer is just a question of checking the Fire Extinguishers etc . Unlimited Fines or up to 2 Years in Prison  are now in place for those who do not comply with the current Fire Safety Laws under Part B of the Building Regulations .

Be Smart Be Safe














CALL 0844 802 5191 

Covering All Towns and Cities in the United Kingdom



























With the exception of a very few specialised sites and specific risks, the majority of non-domestic premises and sites throughout England & Wales must now conform with the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (the Fire Safety Order), The Fire Safety Order does not apply to private homes (including individual flats in a block or house unless its an HMO) though it does apply to common areas in blocks of flats, shared means of escape and facilities provided to assist the fire and rescue service, such as dry risers. You should bear this in mind if you own or manage such premises.

The law applies to you if you are: Landlord responsible for business premises An employer or self-employed with business premises A charity or voluntary organisation with employees/volunteers A contractor with a degree of control over any premises Premises providing accommodation for paying guests – Hotels/B&B’s/Holiday cottages A residential property with any communal/shared area Landlord of a House of Mulitple Occupancy (HMO) Any premises which is open to the public/consumers – eg Restaurants/Retail units/pubs/gyms Educational buildings – schools/universities/nurseries Medical facilities – Care homes/Doctors/dentists Ultimately, it is everyone’s responsibility to keep premises safe, but there will be one or more people who have overall legal responsibility. The Fire Safety Order states that every premises has a "Responsible Person". As the "Responsible Person", you are responsible for carrying out a Fire Risk Assessment and complying with the Fire Safety Order. At Fire Assessor, we can take the worry and confusion out of your work load. Our Fire Risk Assessors have a wealth of knowledge and experience that will guide you through the legislation in safe hands.All our Assessors are Competent Engineers with at least 10 or  20 years of  experience in the there field of expertise .


This section aims to identify just some examples of how a breach of contract and/or duty of
care owed under the law of tort or Delict could occur. These are provided by way of example
and this is not in any way an exhaustive list.
1. The failure to provide a written risk assessment
2. Failure to conduct any actual survey of the premises for which a risk assessment is
3. Failure to correctly identify premises or other essential details within an assessment
4. Failure to make the risk assessment premises specific
5. Failure to identify significant findings
6. Failure to take into account relevant information
7. Failure to identify required general fire precautions the person responsible for the
premises needs to take to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed on
them by or under the Order/Act


Non Compliance can get you up to two years Imprisonment or Unlimited Fines .




CALL 0844 802 5191